£43.75/week(inc. tax)
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Billed every 4 weeks
(inc. tax)
“Jonathan went above and beyond to help us move our storage unit from Warwickshire to Bedford. The service has been faultless. The storage unit is very secure, clean and modern with CCTV covering the whole yard. We would highly recommend I Want Storage for all your storage needs. ”
160 sq/ft (20ft Container)
More than 1.5 times the size of a single garage
£43.75/week(inc. tax)
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Billed every 4 weeks
(inc. tax)
“Jonathan went above and beyond to help us move our storage unit from Warwickshire to Bedford. The service has been faultless. The storage unit is very secure, clean and modern with CCTV covering the whole yard. We would highly recommend I Want Storage for all your storage needs. ”